Friday, June 12, 2009

Can you beat it ???

The thought of working in an organization ,the feel of the status associated with a job,the thought of contributing to your family ( atleast stop being a liability ), getting paid , the first salary, getting your mom a saree with the first salary and the million dollar expression she would give when she sees it, going on to buy that expensive watch you always dreamed of owning,.............
Being a fresher, for me these are only too alluring.... at this stage you are desperate for any job that would come your way ( profile i mean ).You are fresh from college , all out into the world to prove yourself , with oodles of ambition and energy and just about any job seems interesting.
But on thinking further, any job that i take up , say 10 years down the lane would i still have the drive in me to wake up every day afresh with ideas, enthusiastic about going to work et al ... ????
I had this argument with a senior ; saying that for me to be atleast interested in going to the workplace 10 years later ( now if i have a loan to be repaid then i have no other option than to work :-x ) i should atleast get into an interesting /challenging profile ....and he countered it saying every job tends to be monotonous in the long run .. it is upto you how you flavour it up and make it interesting to you. I did not buy his theory flat , but on musing over it , i feel he has a point .. maybe he is right , or may be i still have my point ...
well the point is is there a way to break the monotony ?
Should the job be interesting or the person be creative enough to keep himself alive with passion ?

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